segunda-feira, 8 de julho de 2013

Meet Tantric Massage!

A Tantric Massage will make you feel as if in a trance: physical boundaries are dissolved, the feeling of time disappears and worries and problems no longer matter, are simply forgotten.

Guided by the therapist, through conscious breathing You will reach a deep state of relaxation broadening and increasing the perception of pleasure through her ​​whole body. In a loving environment and receptive, you feel welcome, relaxed and at the same time, fully awake, vibrating with the newly awakened energy in your body.

A sense of well-being, love and light will look after their being, increasing their self-esteem and confidence in himself, causing him to reflect all that well other beings around them. With Tantric Massage traumas and fears are dissolved by refining our perception helping to balance emotional patterns and limiting as mental anguish, negative memories from the past, anger, anxiety and guilt, giving way to self-acceptance, compassion and joy and pleasure. Additionally, it assists in treating low libido, frigidity, vaginismus (common among women), premature ejaculation and impotence among others.

The Tantric Massage seeks to arouse new sensations in the body and relax the mind, increasing the level of physical pleasure, mental and emotional, leading to a full and happy life. The session lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes., Always respecting the timing and needs of each person. The Tantric Massage is done with the body fully nude combining landslides subtle and specific ringtones by helping to release blocked energies. Gently our bio energy is integrated, harmonizing vital energy field

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